Privacy Policy – CP Real Estate

Privacy Policy

CP Real Estate is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of information entrusted to it, including any personal information (sometimes referred to as “personally identifiable information” or “PII”) collected through its websites. CP Real Estate respects, and recognizes the importance of protecting. The privacy of all information obtained from visitors to our website, and has adopted the following policy guidelines with a view toward protecting that privacy.


On certain areas of its websites, CP Real Estate allows you to provide personal information so that we may fulfil your requests for information or otherwise allow you to interact with us. For instance, personal information may be used to fulfil your requests for CP Real Estate’s publications, to allow you to publish comments on CP Real Estate’s website content, or to facilitate its receipt and processing of your career-related inquiries. CP Real Estate collects information about visitors to our website during registration on our website and during their use of various features on our website, such as individual’s names, company names, and e-mail addresses.


CP Real Estate uses the statistics referred to above to improve the design, layout and content of its website, to monitor its performance, and to make it easier for visitors to use. It has reasonable security policies and procedures in place to protect personal information from unauthorized loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. CP Real Estate may keep a record of a visitor’s use in order to personalize return visits and tailor them to the visitor’s interests. Despite CP Real Estate’s best efforts, however, security cannot be absolutely guaranteed against all threats. To the best of CP Real Estate’s ability, access to your personal information is limited to those who have a need to know.


CP Real Estate websites may contain links to other sites, including websites maintained by CP Real Estate affiliates that are governed by other privacy policies that may differ somewhat from this one. CP Real Estate is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of any third party websites to which it may provide links. Those links are to servers maintained by other businesses and organizations and are provided solely as a service to visitors. CP Real Estate is not liable for your use of such third party websites.

Your agreement with us (Agreement) consists of:

1. Any physical document or electronic interface that we make available to you which you sign or otherwise indicate your agreement to, and which identifies your Subscription, Depth Contract or Depth Product Order, including, but not limited to, paper order forms, insertion orders or contracts, emails, online order forms or other documents (including those made available to you via our Agent Admin (your Order).

2. The terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy, Platform Terms of Use and the Acceptable Use Policy applicable to your Subscription, as published at and as amended from time to time in accordance with clause 5(d) below.

3. The terms and conditions of any credit application accepted from you. This Agreement is the entire agreement between us about its subject matter and it supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between us.

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